Princess Maker 2 Refine - Original Soundtrack (Complete Edition) Ativador Download [Ativador] ->
About This Content Princess maker 2 Original Soundtrack is the complete music set covers all the music in PC-98, DOS,FM TOWNS and Refine version. Once downloaded, MP3 files can be found in the Princess Maker 2 Refine Steam directory as well as played from within the Steam Music Player! ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Princess Maker 2 Refine\Soundtrack Disk 1 : PC-98 Disk 2 : DOS Disk 3 : FM TOWNS Disk 4 : Refine Track list 01 Profile Creation 02 Opening #1 03 Opening #2 04 Main Scene - Spring 05 Main Scene - Summer 06 Main Scene - Autumn 07 Main Scene -Winter 08 Horrifying Shock 09 Sickness 10 Shall we go to Castle 11 Visiting Someone 12 Let's go to Village 13 To Church 14 Part Time Jobs 15 Training 16 Knight-erranty 17 Heavy Shock 18 Encounter Beasts(Alert) 19 Encounter Human 20 Battle 21 Joyful Event 22 Sea Vacation 23 Mountain Vacation 24 Rest 25 Harvest Ceremony Fanfare 26 Art Festival 27 Martial Arts Competition 28 The Duel 29 Dance Party 30 Cooking Contest 31 Award Ceremony 32 Mystery 33 Guest arrived 34 Under Pressure 35 Sad Occasion 36 Bad Ending 37 The End 38 Ending Credit a09c17d780 Title: Princess Maker 2 Refine - Original Soundtrack (Complete Edition)Genre: SimulationDeveloper:CFK Co., Ltd.Release Date: 6 Oct, 2016 Princess Maker 2 Refine - Original Soundtrack (Complete Edition) Ativador Download [Ativador] Very nice OST, each version of the soundtrack is laid out nicely on separate discs and tagged properly. I would like a FLAC version but mp3 320 is acceptable especially with the sheer number of tracks (38 * 4 = 152 tracks).. It's good to have PC98 and FM-Towns version, EXCEPT the DOS version needs some mastering, for some tracks, it clips like crazy! And you should have also included MT-32 version! Who can deny that MT-32 was the best MIDI module of that time?For players that want to hear MT-32 version, get yourself DOS* version of the game, there will be a folder named MTMIDI. Inside you can find same MIDI files but tailored for MT-32. Grab and play them with MUNT MT-32 Emulator.But still, I'd recommend the soundtrack. CFK, please include the MT-32 version!Edit: * apparently it's earliest Windows version, not DOS.